Frequently asked home loan questions

At emoney we aim to take the confusion out of lending. We’ve put together a list of some of our more frequently asked questions for your convenience. Have a read below and if your query isn’t answered here, contact our friendly lending specialists—we’re only too happy to help!

General FAQ

A non-bank lender is not a bank, credit union or building society, but a lender with access to a source of wholesale funding. At emoney, we borrow our funds from funding warehouses, made up of deposits from every day Australians, superannuation funds and investors. Our funding warehouses are safe as they are backed by large Australian and international lending institutions. We hold an Australian Credit Licence and are a member of the FBAA and AFCA. And, unlike a bank, we offer a wide range of mortgage products—more than 500—to fit almost every customer’s needs.

Existing Customer FAQ

From the customer login button, select funder according to your contract and follow the prompt to log in.