Guarantor Home Loan

Our new emoney Guarantor Loan: Helping those you love get into a home sooner

Guarantor Home Loan

Our new emoney Guarantor Loan: Helping those you love get into a home sooner

How the emoney Guarantor Home Loan works

Accessing their home equity, a Guarantor can utilise their home equity to guarantee a family members home loan

Borrow up to 100% of the property purchase price and get into your own home sooner

Rest assured you can release from a Guarantor loan when sufficient equity is achieved

Accessing their home equity, a Guarantor can utilise their home equity to guarantee a family members home loan
Borrow up to 100% of the property purchase price and get into your own home sooner
Rest assured you can release from a Guarantor loan when sufficient equity is achieved

Guarantor Home Loan​

Designed for families, the emoney Guarantor Home Loan is a smart way for family members to help one another get into their own home sooner.

Perks for the home buyer

Avoid having to save for a 20% deposit and get into your own home sooner.

Having a Guarantor means you can reduce or even avoid Lender’s Mortgage Insurance altogether.

Take advantage of borrowing up to 100% of the purchase price

Perks for the home Guarantor

Have comfort knowing that your risk is applied to no more than 20% of the property purchase price, not the full amount of the property purchase price.

For example, the guarantee is to be limited to the equity required to obtain an LVR of 80% (e.g, Purchase Price $200,000, loan amount $200,000. Guarantee amount to be limited to $40,000)

Rest assured you can release from a Guarantor loan when sufficient equity is achieved.

What loan types are available?

Choose from variable loans, fixed loans, and offset accounts, all of which offer the same perks to help you get into your dream home sooner.
* Loan must be P&I and owner occupies, does not apply for Interest only or investment property loans.

Variable Loans

Fixed Loans

Offset Acounts

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